News (Archiv)
Prof. Dr. Markus Arndt has been awarded the prestigious Wittgenstein Prize
Since 1996, scientists are annually awarded with the Wittgenstein Prize. The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture awards the prize for outstanding scientific achievements in all scientific disciplines.
Dr. Markus Aspelmeyer received the highly endowed START - Prize 2008
The START - Prize is awarded to outstanding young researchers on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research (BMWF)
Wittgenstein-Preisträger Markus Arndt und START-Preise 2008
Fakultät für Physik Universität Wien Boltzmanngasse 5 1090 Wien Öffnungszeiten Dekanat: Di, Mi, Fr 9-12 Uhr Do 14-16 Uhr T: +43-1-4277-510 01 F: +43-1-4277-9 510 Universität Wien | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Wien | T +43-1-4277-0 |