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Complex Nanoscale Matter

This main research area primarily deals with fundamental physics of condensed matter, with the focus on analysing the nanostructure, dynamics and phase transitions of new 'intelligent' and functional materials, which include in particular soft matter, materials of very small dimensions such as nanotubes and nanowire, graphene, high-temperature superconductors, as well as nanocrystalline and amorphous materials.

A future focus will be on the complex structures of functional materials and their quantum-mechanical phenomena, which will be analysed using atomistic methods. The potential for application in nano- and biotechnology will be a further focus of activity.

Dynamics of Condensed Systems »
Speaker: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Herwig PETERLIK
Administration: Yvonne Simon

Electronic Properties of Materials »
Speaker: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Thomas PICHLER
Administration: Eva Deutsch, Annemarie Simlinger

Physics of Functional Materials »
Speaker: ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard KREXNER
Administration: Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Elvira Vranckx Herrera

Physics of Nanostructured Materials »
Speaker: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Dr. Jannik C. MEYER
Administration: Regina Pinter


Faculty of Physics
University of Vienna

Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Vienna

Dean's Office:
Tue, Wed, Fri 9-12
Thu 14-16

T: +43-1-4277-510 01
F: +43-1-4277-9 510
University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0