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The Faculty of Physics congratulates Philip Walther on his promotion to full professor

Philip Walther from the research group “Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information” has been appointed full professor for Experimental Quantum Optics.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Philip Walther

Quantum information sciences and quantum computation:

The research of the group of Philip Walther focuses on the development of advanced photonic quantum technology for applications in quantum information processing and for investigations in quantum science. The fact that photons have an intrinsic lack of decoherence and that they can be conveniently manipulated with high precision, makes them attractive for many applications. The photons’ inherent advantage of being mobile provides a unique opportunity of transmitting and processing quantum information by using the same physical system.

Our current activities are centered on secure quantum cloud computing and quantum-secure classical computers on one hand, quantum computation and quantum simulation on the other hand. Apart from that the research projects also focus on quantum foundations and indefinite causal structures as well as nonlinear photonic quantum gates and cluster state generation using solid-state single-photon sources as well as measurement of weak gravitational effects on single photons.

About Philip Walther:

Philip Walther was born 1978 in Vienna, Austria.


2012      Habilitation in Quantum Optics, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria

2005      PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Physics; University of Vienna, Austria (with A. Zeilinger)

2002      Diploma (Dipl-Ing.) in Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, Austria (with K. Schwarz)

Current Positions

01/2017 –            Speaker of Research Platform TURIS, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna

10/2015 –            Professor of Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna

10/2014 –            Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna

07/2013 –            Speaker of the Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics, Quantum Information Group, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna

Career History

2013 – 2015        Associate Professor (tenured), Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna

2011 – 2012        Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna

2008 – 2011        Assistant Professor (Univ.-Ass.) Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna

2005 – 2008        Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Physics, Harvard University, USA (with M. Lukin)

Honors and Awards

2014                      Recognition Award for Science 2014 by Lower State Austria

2014                      Visiting Professor Fellowship by the Brazilian Federal Government

2011                      Vienna Funding Award in Science (Förderungspreis der Stadt Wien)

2011                      START Prize, Austrian Ministry of Science and Education (BMWF)

2009                      Fresnel Prize, European Physical Society (EPS)

2006                      Prize for outstanding academic performance, University of Vienna

2005                      Loschmidt Prize, Chemical-Physical Society of Vienna


2015                      American Physical Society, Fellow

2014                      Austrian Academy of Sciences - "Junge Akademie" (Young Academy), Member

2012                      The Global Young Academy, Member

2007 – 2012        The German Young Academy at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina, Alumni Member

Further information:





Faculty of Physics
University of Vienna

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1090 Vienna

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