Faculty Center for Nanostructure Research

The Faculty Center for Nano Structure Research is a service facility and an institutional cooperation between the Faculties of Physics and Chemistry. It is located at the Faculty of Physics and offers scientists and students of the two faculties an easy access to large and expensive instruments, in particular the Zeiss Supra 55 VP scanning electron microscope, a WITec alpha 300A AFM/Raman and the Bruker Nanostar laboratory small-angle X-ray scattering system. Among the other available facilities/services are a Zeiss Axioplan universal light microscope with an attached micro-hardness tester, a self-service grinding, lapping and polishing machine available to all students of the two faculties and an embedding/polishing service for challenging samples. More information can be found in the respective links in the menu on the right side. Please note the terms of use of our laboratories and equipment.
For more information please visit our homepage: Website of the Faculty Center for Nanostructure Research
University of Vienna
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Vienna
Dean's Office:
Tue, Wed, Fri 9-12
Thu 14-16
T: +43-1-4277-510 01
F: +43-1-4277-9 510